Sunday, July 10, 2011

In the 11 (!) months since my last post I've written but not finished a number of posts. At some point I reached the realization that just about anything is better than the gaping hole that is the last 12 months of my blog.

So without further ado: a half finished post from last December. I originally wanted to expound on the usefulness of seeing things from a different perspective but I think I'm just left with a fairly mundane anecdote and a thank you to a great uncle. C'est la vie.

This past week my uncle and I descended into what might be described as a "roiling debate" replete with heated exchanges, shouting, and general argumentation. In fact, we were probably only a few juvenile insults shy of being forcibly restrained by a more settled mind (read: my aunt). As it was we were exiled mid-debate from the fineries of the living-room to the chilly front porch because apparently yelling at someone less than three feet away constitutes "being too loud" (Go figure). I loved every minute of it.

The beauty of the argument for me wasn't in the well-constructed viewpoints or pithy one-liners; rather it was the opportunity to take the "other side" for once. I'm a firm believer in most conservative values and principles. But every so often it's nice to cut loose and let my inner-liberal shine. Let's legalize marijuana, redistribute the wealth, free health care for all, ad infinitum.

There's also something special about having someone with whom you can engage in fiery debate one minute and then casually comment on an upcoming sports game the next with your relationship none the worse for wear. A thousand thank you's to my uncle for filling that role for me.